I am getting more and more last minute with learning the choreography for Les Mills BODYPUMP releases. For BODYPUMP 99, I set my alarm 2 hours before my 8:30 a.m. class to wake up and learn the second half that I was responsible for teaching during the launch that day. Needless to say, I was super surprised that Rihanna was on the line up, so yeah, that’s the title of this review. No doubt, BODYPUMP 99 will have you putting in the work, work, work, work, work, work the original barbell weight style!
Well, we are one release away from 100! This is our last launch of BODYPUMP for the year. We will be anticipating the International launch on January 14, 2017. For now, we are burning calories with this release on the road to 100!. Check out the sizzler here…
At the time of this review, I had taken/taught this release four times.
Track 2 & 7 ” Power Glove” & “Won’t Stop Rocking” – The squat & lunge track are pretty much wordless but the bass and accompanying beats are perfect for squats and lunges so I enjoyed these tracks.
Track 5 “Something In The Way You Move” – The tricep track has the second best song on this release, in my opinion.
Track 9 – I named this review “Work” by Rihanna feat. Drake so you already know I was feeling this track.
Overall, the music for me on this release was about a 7. It was not the best, but it had a few moments. Track 3 has an alternative that you might want to use if you usually sing along with the music. “She likes to do it in the dark”, wasn’t anything I wanted to be blurting out. I am notorious for not paying attention to lyrics to the songs I don’t know until I’m actually teaching, so just be aware.
My favorite tracks were 3 (chest) and 8 (shoulders) because they were different.
I always love the back track 4 and this release was no different. There might be a timing issue with the start of the 8 clean and presses if you don’t practice (my observation).
My least favorite track was 6 (biceps) because of the tricky little timing.
I thought track 9 was redundant but you will feel that ab work as you move thru this track. The redundancy made it super easy to learn.
The choreography was fairly simple to catch on to with the exception of track 3. I learn BODYPUMP from reading the notes and it would not stick for some reason.
The members looked rather bored the first time I taught this release. I did recognize that they found the chest track 3 exceptionally challenging as did I. I would reccomend if you do your regular weight, to take the optional break. If you want to go straight thru with no break, consider a slight decrease on the bar.
All other weight selections were sufficient at my regular weight selections.
- I have talked a lot about track 3. It’s tough and there will be magic at the completion of the track, hype it up.
- Have members sing along with track 5 “Something In the Way You Move”.
- The pulse combo in the lunge track is fun and offers magic moments.
Good luck with this ! You’d better bring your A game with cues and jokes because the choreography and music don’t offer you the magic on it’s own.
To those of you who haven’t launched yet, good luck and have fun!
Yours in Healthy, Active, & Prosperous Lifestyles,
Rx Fitness Lady wants to know…
- Who did you think had the best twerk video to Rihanna’s “Work” song?
- What did you think of Les Mills BODYPUMP 99?
- When is the last time you’ve taken a barbell weight class?
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